Certified Transformation Coach Practitioner Training Schedules

Ontario College for Development Training

 Promoting Excellence!

Ontario College for Development Training


Certified Transformation Coach Practitioner™ (CTCP) Training Schedule



Target Group:

1) Persons completing secondary schools; college, university graduates other professionals who have a passion for helping people thrive and prosper, and

2) Persons over 19 years old.

NB: the following Course Duration, Course Fees, Course Objectives, Learning Outcomes, Delivery Methodology and Assessment Methodologies apply to all areas of Specializations.

Course Objectives

  1. To help Trainees develop competencies to assist their clients to identify adversities and debilitating mindsets that keep them from a life of peace, harmony, prosperity and overall success.
  2. To help Trainees develop competencies to assist their clients to discover their passion, innate talents and skills that will help the s to identify and create opportunities and strategies for building wealth and creating a legacy of value for sustainable living and a healthy lifestyle
  3. To help Trainees develop competencies to assist their clients to build resiliency and appropriate coping mechanisms to deal with adversities.
  4. To help Trainees develop competencies to assist their clients to overcome living with a Mindset of Lack and develop a Growth Mindset to live a prosperous life.

Methodology of Delivery

  1. Coach Trainer’s presentations of the concepts and strategies of the Transformation Coaching Process Model and mini-quizzes to derive the impact, clarity of presentation.
  2. Group Coach Training through instructor-led practical demonstration sessions followed by trainees’ discussion sessions.
  3. Weekly Peer Coaching Practice -Role Playing Sessions based on Case Studies/Scenarios Presentations’
  4. Weekly peer to peer (one on one) coaching in which participants will be coached and will play the role of coach.
  5. Group discussion of the shared learning experiences coming out of the presentation sessions

Learning Outcomes

  1. Trainees will learn impact, influence and success strategies and skills to apply to their coaching of individuals, groups, organizations to enable then to step into their destiny and live sustainably and abundantly.
  2. Trainees will learn strategies to enable their own target groups and individual coachees to discover their own innate skills, talents and passion purpose that can be monetized to create a life of prosperity.
  3. Trainees will learn strategies to help their client discover their authentic self.
  4. Trainees will be exposed to training strategies to understand the issues, challenges and concerns facing the target groups or individual coachees.
  5. Trainees will learn strategies to enable the target groups and individual trainees to discover their innate skills, talents and passion purpose that can be monetized to create a life of prosperity.
  6. Trainees will learn strategies to help their client discover their authentic self.
  7. Trainees will be exposed to training strategies to understand the issues, challenges and concerns facing the target groups and individual coachees.  
  8. Trainees will learn strategies to employ to help their target groups or individual coachees prepare training and growth and success strategies that are aligned to their strategic vision, passion purpose, talent and skills.  This will involve visioning, goal setting and plan of action for success.
  9. Trainees will learn strategies for mapping transformation changes and dealing with growth challenges that can push coaches out of existing mindset and comfort zones toward new stages of enlightenment in the transformation process.

Assessment Methodology

Practical Scenario/Case-study presentation.

  • Trainees may choose to demonstrate learning by conduction three (3) one (1) hour practice sessions with a member of the group of trainees.


  • The trainee coach will present a case-study of a problem confronting a client/coachee, showing how he/she will guide the coachee into self -discovery-visioning and goal-setting and his preparation of transformation strategies that will remove the client coachee’ blockages. In addition, the trainee coach will demonstrate learning by conducting one (1) practice session with a member of the group of trainee

A multiple-choice test focused on the self-development and transformation process training modules.


Passing Marks This will be based on the average of both assessment methods. A passing mark of more than 70% will be required for certification as a CERTIFIED TRANSFORMATION COACH PRACTITIONER.



Course Duration

  • 8 Weeks

This Certified Parent Coach Practitioner Training will help the Practitioner to guide parents to:

  • Restore broken relationships between children and parents; between and among siblings and between members of the extended family.
  • Help their children and youth to develop self-esteem and self-worth
  • Help their children and youth manage emotions
  • Help their children and youth to manage conflicts within the family
  • Help their children and youth to learn and use strategies for handling deviant behavioural issues

Our training focus will also prepare the trainee for:-

  • Coaching parents for living a life of abundance
  • Coaching parents for raising conscious children who will live successful lives
  • Coaching parents in recognizing and helping children to discover and grow the innate skills, passions and talents they were born with.
  • Coaching parents into discovering and dealing with the potential and real impacts of external communities of persons (school, churches, residential communities, peer groups, extended families sports and cultural clubs) on the socialization of children.
  • Coaching parents through family struggles and crisis with children and teenagers.
  • Coaching parents through parental struggles in marriage and adult relationships, that have adverse implications for children’s wellbeing.
  • Coaching parents to deal with the impacts of parental separation and divorce on their children​.

To get more information on program schedules and fees, please click the button below, fill and submit the form and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.


Course Duration

  • 8 Weeks 

The Certified Transformation Coach Practitioner (Youth Empowerment Coach Training) will equip the Practitioner to guide the Youth to:

  • Restore broken relationships with peers, parents; between siblings and between members of the extended family.
  • Help youth to develop self-esteem and self-worth.
  • Help youth manage emotions.
  • Help youth to manage conflicts within the family.
  • Help youth to learn and use strategies for handling deviant behavioural issues.
  • Help youth identify their passions, talents and special gifts.

Youth Empowerment Coaching is designed to assist young people between 12 and 29 years, to get them mentally prepared for success in academic, career and life so they can live a more fulfilled life now and well into the future.

The Youth Empowerment Coaching Program will assist youths to acquire knowledge and skills to improve assertiveness, set academic, career and life goals, increase self-confidence and self-worth. Youth Empowerment Coaching will also help them to deal effectively with social, emotional, peer-to-peer and parent-child relationship issues. Such coaching will assist them to identify practice strategies for dealing with those issues; identify their life goals and to define and map the path to success as they see it.

Trainees will be provided with toolkits and strategies to help the Youth Coach Practitioner to develop the competencies for engaging the youth in discovering, defining and planning the pathways to success. We prepare trainees to work with two groups i.e., the 12-19 years old and 20-29 years old. The following are the coach training modules: –

Training Modules

1.) Youth Coaching Program (The 12-19 years old group)

  • Social and Emotional Learning
  • Dealing with Anger
  • Dealing with Bullying
  • Intergenerational Relationship Building-A Practice Strategy
  • Improving Self Confidence, Self Esteem and Self Worth
  • Social Responsibility-1 (Teaching the Power of Compassion,
  • Empathy, Gratitude, Kindness and Love).
  • Who am I?: Discovering Me as More Than My Physical Body
  • Meditation and Listening Skills-Building listening skills
  • Visualization
  • Mental Preparedness for Success.

2.) Youth Coaching Program (20-29 years)

  • Assertiveness and Self Branding Training
  • Cultural Diversity and Tolerance Studies
  • Critical Thinking Skills
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Citizenship and Governance
  • Communications and Social Media
  • Dealing with Bullying
  • Ethnicity, Self-Awareness and Belonging
  • Ethics and Morality
  • Health and Wellness
  • Identifying and Growing Personal Passions, Talents and Gifts
  • Improving Self Confidence, Self Esteem and Self Worth
  • Intergenerational Relationship Building- A Practice Strategy
  • Mindfulness Skills for Stress Management
  • Meditation and Brain Training
  • Mental Mapping and Visualization of the Pathways to Success ​​

To get more information on program schedules and fees, please click the button below, fill and submit the form and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.


Course Duration

  • 8 Weeks 

We see women as playing a critical role in raising the future generations and we understand that they often must find a balance between the parenting/motherhood role and the demands of work in business and professions. With the course, we aim to provide the tools and methodologies to make the journey as a women empowerment coach easy.

We will train the participant to become a Certified Transformation Coach Practitioner to help the clients overcome their personal struggles coping with life stressors and to design their personal action plan for success. The Trainee will be provided strategies and tools to help clients live sustainable and harmonious lives, with more love, peace, harmony, prosperity, happiness and success.

We will teach trainees strategies relating to the following training modules to help their clients focus to find the answers they seek, to successfully deal with concerns.

Training Modules

  • Personal relationships management
  • Self-love
  • Discovering the authentic self
  • Positive mindset
  • Goal setting
  • Increased income
  • Increased joy and passion
  • Increased self-confidence
  • Creating life abundance
  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Getting rid of limiting beliefs
  • Building Self Confidence, Self Esteem
  • and Self-motivation

To get more information on program schedules and fees, please click the button below, fill and submit the form and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.


Course Duration

  • 8 Weeks 

Training Modules

Trainees will be exposed to strategies to assist his client in finding answers relating to the following training focus areas:-

  • Discovering Your Authentic Self to Step into and Fulfill Your Destiny
  • Understanding Leadership Is an Inside Job
  • Understanding the Impact of the Mindset on the type of Leader an individual becomes.
  • Leadership on The Cutting Edge
  • The Call for A Shift in Paradigm
  • New Leadership Skills for the 21st Century
  • Male Leaders Vs Female Leaders-The Distinguishing Features
  • Management Performance
  • Situational Leadership
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Personal Mastery
  • The Impact of Socio-Cultural Factors in Sustainable Development of Companies and Economic Development.

Executive Coaching for High-Performance Top Managerial and Technical Teams

To get more information on program schedules and fees, please click the button below, fill and submit the form and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.


Course Duration

  • 8 Weeks

The focus here is on supporting individuals in developing their coping skills and building resiliency beyond a personal loss event and the resulting grief state.

Target Groups:

Teachers, counsellors, social workers. parents, community leaders, police officers. Faith-based organization leaders, sports and recreational personnel, mentors, health workers, mental health workers.

Coaching and Training Areas of focus:

  1. Understanding the concept of Grief
  2. Understanding the Typology of Loss leading to grief
    • Property loss-through natural disaster unemployment, economic catastrophe.
    • Job loss and financial security
    • Broken relationships: –
    • Marital Divorce
    • Parent-child separation
    • Abandonment
    • Loss of a relative, friend through death
    • Loss of a pet through death
    • Loss of a company or business enterprise
    • Loss of good health and wellbeing
  3. The Impact of Grief and Loss on children.
  4. Understanding the signs of the grieving child /youth
  5. What parents should know about the grieving child
    • How
    • Emotional pain associated with loss
  6. Strategies to comfort and build Resiliency in the grieving child.
  7. Strategies to enable coping and resiliency in Adults
  8. Grief management strategies.
  9. The power of self-healing-strategies and tools

To get more information on program schedules and fees, please click the button below, fill and submit the form and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Course Duration
  • 8 Weeks

Sometimes our seniors and retirees are called upon to be grandparents/caregivers and so are very instrumental in the children/youth socialization and nurturing processes. At the same time, they have to deal with issues relating to the ageing process and adjustment to life beyond work.

The Retirement and Seniors Coach Training Program provides coach training for dealing with the entire aging process, assisting the Trainee to help clients in defining and planning this next stage of their life, in managing the adjustment to retirement, identifying second careers or new passions for a purposeful and abundant living, building a loving relationships with others, as may be necessary or required for sustaining a healthy lifestyle.

The Trainee will be able to help clients understand that their life does not end with retirement! But that life beyond retirement is to be planned and lived fearlessly. It can even be more amazing because they have wisdom and experience gained along the journey thus far, to guide them to plan consciously and strategically for an even more focused and passion purpose living in the golden years!

We will train the trainee to help his clients to understand that retirement is another stage in life’s journey that they must plan for and live it to the fullest. We teach the trainee how to help clients to understand that retirement living offers the best chance of living in the present moment, letting go of the past, except for those wonderful memories of past events that inspire and give them joy. We help the Trainee to assist them to identify who they are at this stage of life and to discover strategies to navigate life changes in a positive manner.

Training Modules

Trainees will be able to help clients to discover: 

  • Who they are now?
  • The new life purposes and goals for retirement living.
  • When and how to transition into retirement.
  • The passion and talent they have to share and to help them enjoy retirement.
  • How to live a more balanced life in retirement.
  • How to improve their mental and physical health.
  • How to overcome unexpected challenges, such as loneliness and isolation.
  • How to overcome limiting beliefs that block their success, happiness and peace of mind.
  • Strategies to help them live successfully in the present.

To get more information on program schedules and fees, please click the button below, fill and submit the form and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.