Better Parenting Strategies
Strategies for better parenting and family connectivity for parents
- Strategies for identifying and growing the gifts, talents and passions of the child
- Strategies for building a strong foundation of Self-Love for you and your children
- Strategies for teaching children how to love themselves
- Strategies for helping children to develop their authentic, spiritual-connected selves
- Strategies for creating a safe space for the expression of compassion, empathy and peace for the child
- Strategies for creating a relationship of trust with your teens
- Strategies for discovering what your teens really want you to know about them and for giving them a voice to express themselves
- Strategies for raising and educating youth with an abundance mindset
- Strategies for understanding your teen and improving your relationship
Strategies For Children and Youth
We help your children:
- Find answers to the question “Who am I”
- Discover and growing their authentic and spiritual self
- Strategies of how to conquer fear, worry, stress and anxiety
- Strategies of how to become mental preparedness for success in academics, life, career and business
- Strategies of how to build trusting relationships
- Strategies of how to creating nurturing relationships with themselves, others and the universe
- Teaching children to meditate and use music for emotional healing
- Coping with bullying
- Strategies of how to recognize and manage emotions
- Strategies of how to care and express concern for others
- Strategies of how to establishing positive relationships
- Strategies of how to make responsible decisions
- Strategies of how to handling challenging situations constructively and ethically
Course framework structure
- Family Unit Coaching- 4 weeks twice per week-10 one-hour session
- Children 5-13 will undertake the program related to them in the Program outline attached. (10 sessions-compulsory and based on the age group program outline)
- Children and youths 13 and older will take the program for 5-13 years but can also select with their parents and or coach other sessions as they build their capacity
- Child/youth coaching comprises 10 one hour per session (+HST). (They may take additional sessions if 13 years or older, from the 13-29 age group)
- Sessions can be conducted in the home
- Sessions are usually conducted at the OCTD office at scheduled and mutually agreed times
- Sessions are confidential and based on client/coaching contract
- OCDT will follow-up with clients 3 months after initial sessions to see progress
- OCDT can also work with each parent separately if it is deemed necessary and required by the particular parent to work on a specific challenge he/she may be experiencing.
- If parents are satisfied sessions can continue with selections from the program outline
- Parents can also select further coaching and training strategies for better parenting for themselves and their children as outlined in the program outline