Housing Policy, Planning and Community Participation With Special Focus on Developing Countries
Housing Policy, Planning and Community Participation: With Special Focus on Developing Countries

A Housing Development Program is a demonstration of a working social policy for any country, as it has the ability for asset ownership and the creation of wealth and the building of a legacy of value for beneficiary households. Most of the time, in the absence of a comprehensive and integrated housing policy framework, decision making is spontaneous and reactive. The key objectives of any Housing Development Agency are to ensure well serviced, demand-driven, affordable, and a sustainable housing delivery mechanism for persons with demonstrated preferences and level of incomes. To achieve these objectives, any agency charged with these responsibilities must be committed to ensuring that it enhances its technical capacity to contribute effectively to the social development of the country and its people.

Who Should Attend

The training program is designed for Physical Planners and Policy Makers, Housing Planners and Policy Makers, Land-use Planners, Land Surveyors, Architects and Architectural Design Technicians, Building Inspectors, Housing Scheme Developers Board of Directors of Physical Planning and Housing Agencies, Engineers of Road Infrastructure and Utility Services Providers

Course Modules

HPP-1 Housing Policy Analysis and Formulation.

HPP-2 Strategic Planning for Housing Agencies.

HPP-3 Sustainable Housing and Community Development Program Design.

HPP-4 Housing Project Monitoring and Evaluation.

HPP-5 Designing and Implementing Incremental Development Standards of Housing Infrastructure and Services for Affordable Low-Income Settlements and Unplanned Settlements Upgrading Schemes.

HPP-6 Managing Incremental Development Standards of Housing Infrastructure and Services.

HPP-7 Designing Shelter Solutions with Low-Income Beneficiary Households for Unplanned Settlement Upgrading Schemes.

HPP-8 Integrated Community Development Planning.

HPP-9 Community Participation Training for Beneficiary Households of Communities Targeted for Unplanned Settlements Upgrading.

HPP-10 Community-based Governance and Management of Local Infrastructure and Services for Sustainable Development of Low Income Housing and Unplanned Settlements Upgrading Schemes.

Course Duration

This is a five day, 40-hours training program.  This course may be taken as a one-time training application over five days of intensive training by special request. It is an on-site, delivery scheme at client’ offices.

Course Objective

This course is intended to be delivered to groups within agencies of the housing sector in any developing country as part of institutional strengthening/capacity-building programs. 

This is one of five courses which are modular. Any of the Development Planning Courses may be studied on its own as a standalone entity or taken together as a six 6 months course of study.

  • If taken separately, successful participants will be issued a Certificate of Achievement relevant to the Course Group studied.
  • If all the groups are taken within the 6 months time frame, participants will be awarded a Diploma in Land-use Planning for Sustainable Development.

OCDT offers both On-site and specially requested Off-shore training in Small Islands and Developing Low-lying Coastal States in Developing Countries. On completion of the training, participants will be awarded an Applied Professional Diploma in Housing Policy Development.