Youth Entrepreneurship Development Training

Our Centre of Excellence For Youth Entrepreneurial Development Training offers a specialized space for the training of youth from 15 years to 29 years old, who are interested in the establishment of their own business. The training programs are offered through special incubators.

The OCDT is committed to helping individuals and communities build a legacy of value, create wealth and celebrate excellence within the community of which the youth and future generations can be proud of.

OCDT wishes to provide a facility to train them and encourage their creative and innovative ideas that can lead to sustainable social and economic advancement out of the cycle of dependency and poverty into the creation of wealth and the building of a legacy of value-focused on supporting mechanisms such as:

  • Coaching and mentoring programs
  • Design of a much-needed community infrastructure
  • The commitment to an online coaching and mentoring program as a sustainable support network, through our associates, collaborator/trainers, such as Inspiring Life Solutions and e-CAMPMENTORING and other training collaborators 
  • The aftercare business support services and outreach training made available to promote individual and business sustainability.

Our program is aligned to the fulfilment of the needs of the youth for the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, that Canada and other countries have signed into as part of the Global commitment towards the sustainable development of the peoples of the world. Specifically, the initiative will focus on the following of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals:

  • End poverty in all its forms everywhere.
  • Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
  • Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.
  • Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation.


The aims of this OCDT Centre of Excellence and Youth Entrepreneurial Training Incubators are:

  • To encourage and support the pursuit of entrepreneurship, business, professional excellence, higher education and economic empowerment.
  • To facilitate access to people and resources.
  • To identify and reward excellence in achievement.
  • To establish linkages and co-operate with other organizations on matters pertaining t business, education, economic development and community prosperity.
  • To help young entrepreneurs discover their creative business passion and develop a sustainable entrepreneurial mindset for success.
  • To nurture an entrepreneurial development mindset for wealth creation and the building of a legacy of value among young people
  • Provide space for learning by doing as well as provide 30 hours experiential learning by doing an apprenticeship with other community collaborators in the field of study

All incubators provide training and opportunities in:-

A New Ideas Forum (NIF)- An Innovative Ideas Initiative – This is a young entrepreneurs’ “Creative Think Tank” for developing creative and innovative business ideas The NIF is designed to:-

  • To allow young entrepreneurs to explore the formulation of their creative and innovative business idea
  • One on One coaching and mentorship sessions with the OCDT network of Coaches and industry mentors
  • Group Coaching and Mentoring sessions with OCDT Coaches and Mentors
  • Business coaching for young entrepreneurs with new ideas to formulate them into ideas that can be demonized
  • Business coaching for Youth wanting to develop a business enterprise but have not yet sure of what the really want to focus on
  • Business Coaching to discover the passion purpose and nurture the entrepreneurial mindset
  • e-Mentoring/Coaching/Business Advisory
  • Business Development Training From Start-up to Business Plan
  • Money Management, Financial Planning and Investment
  • Life Skills, Coaching and Mentorship Training
  • Leadership and Management Training
  • Mapping and Navigating Business Development Resources


  • Culinary Arts for Healthy and Green Living
  • Creative Arts & Cultural Innovations Incubator
  • Sustainable Building Design Technology for Green Living
  • Beauty by Deliberate Design-Make-up Artistry
  • Organic Farming and Practice Technology
  • Construction Trades Skills