Sustainable Development & Planning / Technical Services For Developing Countries (Caribbean and Latin America)
Bridging The Gaps

OCDT is an agency that provides technical services to developing countries with particular emphasis on the Caribbean and Latin America in the field of Sustainable Development. The goal is to educate and transfer skills, knowledge and technology as well as best practices from Canada to the Caribbean and Latin American countries and vice versa thus allowing for a two-way exchange of information and skills. This will be accomplished through the modalities of on-site training in Canada as well as via consultancies and project implementation in the Caribbean and Latin America.

A core team of highly qualified and experienced professionals will discharge this portfolio of services of OCDT and they will co-opt short term local and international associates as may be required from time to time.

The Online and Onsite Training portfolio of OCDT fully complements the Technical Services mandate in that the modules will also incorporate material pertinent to developing countries with emphasis on the Caribbean and Latin America. The intention is to develop a cadre of professionals that can form part of the local and international pool of associates that can be co-opted in discharging the Technical Services mandate of OCDT. This approach will contribute meaningfully to the creation of jobs in Canada.


Core Services

The core services provided include but are not limited to the following:

  • Strategic Review and Capacity Building Services for Public and Private Sector Enterprises.
  • Strategic Planning and Policy Development for Organizations(Public, Private, Non- Profit and Community Based Organizations).
  • Urban, Land-Use and Community Development Planning.
  • Community Engagement/Consultation Services for Community Planning and Project Development including Conflict Resolution.
  • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of Development Programmes and Projects.
  • Institutional Strengthening(Public, Private, Non- Profit and Community Based Organizations.
  • Waste Management.
  • Alternative Energy.
  • Review of Legislative Frameworks for Environmental Management (including related sectoral legislation) and Sustainable Development generally.
  • Drafting of Legislation in respect of all aspects of Sustainable Development including Land-Use/Physical Planning, Environmental Management, Protected Areas, Transport, Housing and Settlement Development, Waste Management and Energy.
  • Program/Project Management-Planning, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation.
  • Project Identification and Design including proposal writing and sourcing of funding.
  • Research and sharing of best practices (through conferences, workshops) both in Canada and in the Caribbean and Latin America.
What We Offer

1) On-site Consultancies, Conferences, Training Seminars and Workshops

2) Online Self Directed Learning through Webinars for public sector managers in:

  • Soft Skills training in Leadership Development (modular) ​
  • Physical Planning and Community Development Training (Modular)- Target groups- independent individuals and staff of physical planning, land-use planning, sustainable development, land development and design agencies and community development foundations)

3) On-site Training OCDT
Onsite Technical Training and Consultancy Services

  • Planning, Environmental and Community Sustainable Development Training
  • Land-use Planning for Sustainable Development Training
  • Integrated Community Development Planning
  • Strategic Review and Planning for public and private sector agencies
  • Strategic Review and Planning for Not-For-Profit Enterprises
  • Community Development Governance and Management
  • Integrated Community Development Planning
  • Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building
  • Housing Policy and Development Strategies
  • Housing Research and Surveys
  • Climate Change Adaptation Planning for Sustainable development