Building Effective Governance and Management In Land-use Planning and Environmental Management for Sustainable Development In Small Island and the Low-lying Developing States
Building Effective Governance and Management In Land-use Planning and Environmental Management for Sustainable Development In Small Island and the Low-lying Developing States
The Development Planning Courses are modular and any of the groups may be studied on its own as a standalone entity or taken together as a six 6 months course of study. If taken separately, successful participants will be issued a Certificate of Achievement relevant to the Course Group studied. If all the groups are taken within the 6 months time frame, participants will be awarded a Diploma in Land-use Planning for Sustainable Development. OCDT offers both On-site and specially requested Off-shore training in Small Islands and Developing Low-lying Coastal States in Developing Countries. On completion of the training, participants will be awarded the Applied Professional Diploma in Housing Development Strategy.
These courses are recommended for Technical Staff of Physical Planning, Housing and Infrastructure Planning, Forestry, Fisheries, Coastal and Marine Resources Planning and Management, Health, Environment and Tourism Departments of Small Island and Low-lying Coastal Development States.
BEGM Module 1: Definitions and Conceptual Clarifications: Governance and Participatory Governance
BEGM Module 2: Definitions and Conceptual Clarifications: Community Participation and Empowerment
BEGM Module 3: Definitions and Conceptual Clarifications: Participatory Planning and Management
BEGM Module 4: Definitions and Conceptual Understanding: Sustainable Development
- Sustainable Development of Community Resources
- Managing Community Based Resources and Assets
BEGM Module 5: Governance and Management In Land-use Planning and Environmental Management for Sustainable Development
Course Duration
Duration of Each Course: A Course duration is proposed for a maximum contact time of 40 hours.
- To develop a cadre of technical staff equipped with relevant knowledge and competencies to build a community of practice, with enhanced knowledge and information sharing to promote positive mindset changes towards governance in land use planning, community development, environmental stewardship and management of natural resources.
- To build staff competencies in inter-agency collaboration, public-private participatory planning, management and governance in land use planning and environmental management.
- To provide staff with practice tools and methodologies to effectively and efficiently manage the existing and new accountabilities relating to their portfolio mandates.
- To introduce the participant to land use planning practices based on a sustainable development approach.
- To provide the participant with a holistic view of issues related to land use planning for sustainable development.
- To provide the participant with relevant and applicable knowledge of, and skills on, how sustainable development can be achieved in practical terms in the process of land use planning, from the perspective of the Integrated Community Participatory Planning Approach.
This is one of four courses which are modular. Any of the Development Planning Courses may be studied on its own as a standalone entity or taken together as a six 6 months course of study.
- If taken separately, successful participants will be issued a Certificate of Achievement relevant to the Course Group studied.
- If all the groups are taken within the 6 months time frame, participants will be awarded a Diploma in Land-use Planning for Sustainable Development.
OCDT offers both On-site and specially requested Off-shore training in Small Islands and Developing Low-lying Coastal States in Developing Countries.
On completion of the training, participants will be awarded the Applied Professional Diploma in Housing Development Strategy.