Audrey Littlejohn has been employed with the Peel District School Board for 17 years and has a deep interest in 21st-century training and development.  She is a Training Facilitator for the Ontario College for Development Training.

She has a Masters of Education in Theory and Policy Studies from the University of Toronto and is currently pursuing her doctoral studies in Leadership Higher & Adult Education.  Her research interests include social justice leadership, educational policy, school leadership, equity, diversity, and anti-racism.

Audrey provides consulting and grant writing services to non-profit organizations to build capacity to increase their revenue streams.

She completed an internship with The Ontario Principals Council (OPC) supported by a research grant from the Ontario Ministry of Education. She collaborated with a team to support the training of principals and vice-principals throughout Ontario to implement leadership to combat racism in Ontario schools.

She is a Mohawk College Chemical Engineering graduate and holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from Canisius College in the USA.  Before pursuing a career in education she was employed in the Chemical Industry where she designed experiments to maximize the performance of the automotive coating.

She is a volunteer for the Toronto branch of the United Nations Association Youth Advisory Committee and is a member of the following organizations: The American Education Research Association, A member of the Executive Board and the Commissioner of Program Development Evaluation and Research for the Ontario Alliance of Black School Educators, The  University of Toronto Alumni Association, The Halton Equity and Diversity Roundtable, The Congress of Black Women of Canada and for five years represented the Peel Elementary Teacher Local as a Delegate for the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario.