Dr Leroy Clarke (BSc., BEd., MPhil Pharmacol).
Dr Clarke obtained his PhD in Science and Technology Education with a focus on mentoring from the University of Toronto and brings over twenty-five years of experience spanning elementary to post-secondary institutions as well as industry.
Dr Clarke is President and Executive Director of e-CAMP MENTORING, a Canadian federally incorporated not-for-profit organization. e-CAMP was created with the goal of furthering youth development and empowerment by providing a safe and creative integrated global Community of Learning and Practice (CLAP) for the 21 Century and beyond. Through reciprocal, face-to-face and electronic mentoring, this social action network agency provides a unique scaffolding space where dreams come alive and passions nurtured. e-CAMP supports and enriches formal education by delivering a holistic mentoring experience through 4 pillars of passion content – Business/Entrepreneurship, Sports & Wellness, the Arts & Humanities, and Science & Technology. Dr Clarke’s instructional practice is based on the core values of, caring, equity, and that we are created for a purpose. He believes that all students can learn and his 5 Cs mission is to educate individuals to be critical and creative global thinkers who can act with confidence, compassion and competence. He is responsible for developing a unique Mentoring Oriented Teaching and Learning Strategy (MOTALS) based on his doctoral research at the University of Toronto to seamlessly link school-learning and the world of work via mentoring. His current practice and research interests include investigating mentoring models and using these models to establish school, community, and career connections.
Website:- e-CAMPMENTORING:- www.e-campmentoring.com